This cutie pie came to visit me on Hallow’e Eve for her newborn session! No costume in the studio but I did manage to get a “little red riding hood” set up in. Mom was completely game for any set-up and allowed me the freedom to try some more colorful props on her. Sometimes, a little comes in and you are just so inspired to try some non-neutrals. Although she took some time to settle, once asleep, baby S slept through the rest of her session.
We attempted the taco pose with baby but she didn’t seem to settle quite as well in that pose. But we did catch some awesome bum-ups! Allow me to digress for a moment and get on my soap box:
Not every baby will go in every pose comfortably. There is nothing more important than for newborn photographers to understand and adjust flow posing accordingly… Here at LLP, my priority is first to ensure the baby is not only safe but very comfortable during the entire session. No pose is ever worth injuring or creating any discomfort to the baby, can I get an “Amen”?!
Stepping off my soapbox now…
As always, here is my blessing for you baby Sonia,
May you always enjoy the favor of being a younger sister. May you feel the protection and adoration of your family all the days of your life. May you embrace a curious outlook and discover all the wonderful things this life has to offer.
Xo, L
Are you currently expecting and looking for a newborn photographer? Inquire today!
Check out these other newborn galleries: Baby Zoe, Baby Cyan, Baby Eva